Sunday, March 30, 2008

Agenda for April 3, 2008 Meeting

1. HCHA Mailing and Dues Statement
2. Website
· Webmaster
3. Yard Sale April 26, 8am to 3pm
4. Restrictive Covenants Database
5. Insurance for Board Members
6. Tax Forms
7. Entrance Flowers
8. New Pool and Clubhouse Owners
9. Voting for Board Members
10. Committees
11. Other Business
12. Next Meeting Thursday, June 5 at the Pool Clubhouse 7pm
13. Adjourn

Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring announcements

Elections Thursday, April 3rd, 7 pm, at the pool clubhouse. We desperately need volunteers to make this organization run! We need officers and board members. We also need committee members to help with newsletters, litter, social functions, covenants, Neighborhood Watch and websites. EVERYONE PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND!

Neighborhood yard sale April 26th , 8 am until 3 pm. Yard sales are always the last Saturdays of April and September.

A newsletter and dues statement was mailed last week, although it has not quite been a year since the last dues statement was mailed. The reason is that last year's statement was mailed late. Usually we try to mail statements in March/April.

The pool and clubhouse number is 893-6990. The website is The clubhouse and kitchen may be reserved by any Hurricane Creek residents (members of the pool or not) for a fee.