Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Board Member Contact Info

To reach a member of the board, please see below. To prevent our email addresses from getting spammed, we have obscured our true email addresses to thwart automated address-harvesting programs. You should be able to figure it out. If not, Google us.

This list will evolve over time and be updated. Right now we have no elected president or VP.

Next Board Meeting (NOTE: Change in Venue)

Thursday, October 4, 2007, 7:00 pm at Christ United Methodist Church's Community Room, which is located in the separate adult Sunday School building behind the sanctuary building.

Please bring a lap desk or a clipboard if you need one, as there may not be any table set up.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Yard Sale Dates

Hurricane Creek homeowners are invited to hold a yard sale / garage sale the last Saturday in September and the last Saturday in April.

Backyard Sheds are Not Allowed in Hurricane Creek

Neighborhood covenants prohibit the erecting of sheds on residential properties, even in the backyard, even if it matches the house in appearance, color, and so forth.

Several homeowners, if not many, are in violation of this covenant. Historically, the Board has shown restraint and not litigated these matters, generally only sending letters notifying owners of non-compliance upon receiving a complaint from other homeowners.

Given the increasing prevalence of covenant violations, future boards may seek to take a more active posture in enforcing covenants. Technically, the Board has the authority to litigate and even collect attorney fees and court costs upon winning a judgment. However, litigation is costly and risky for both parties. The board is considering other avenues of resolution as well.

Please learn what our covenants are and respect them. They are there to protect the value of everyone's home. If you are currently in non-compliance, please make an attempt to come into compliance. Your neighbors will thank you, and so will your bank account when you sell your home someday.

Speeding Issues

Some residents expressed concern over cars speeding in the subdivision. The highest speed limit in the subdivision is 30 mph; some areas are limited to 25 mph.

In the county, speed bumps are not allowed, according to Commissioner Henry. Speed rumble strips are allowed, but often create another problem - unwanted noise.

In the city, 2/3rds of nearby residents must agree on placing rumble strips or speed bumps.

If you spot reckless driving, call 698-2525 in the city or 622-0022 in the county. Try to get a license plate and description of the vehicle.

Off-Road Vehicles Belong Off the Road!

Dirt bikes. ATVs. Golf Carts. Riding lawn mowers. These are some of many types of off-road vehicles that are not permitted to be driven on county or city roads. When they are, it is often the case that the riders are underage, unlicensed, unhelmeted, and uninsured. Please do not let your kids be part of the problem. Yes, we live in a hilly subdivision without sidewalks. But that is no excuse to take the law into your own hands.

Lieutenant Newman of the Sheriff's Department says that our neighborhood is patrolled twice per shift. If you see off-road vehicles on the roads, please call 311 if you are in the city, or 622-0022 if you live in the county. If you know where the rider lives, please give that information as well. You need not give your name.

Volunteers Needed: Clean Team

It is illegal to dump in the common area (the land between the road lanes at the Hurricane Creek Road split). Michelle Walker is looking for volunteers to help keep the common area clean. The duties involved would be one week every few months with either pickup throughout the week, or on one day that week.

Call 311 if you spot someone dumping trash or debris (even leaves!) in the area, and try to get a license plate number.

East Brainerd Road Widening Project

Larry Henry reported that construction is expected to begin in the spring of 2009 and should take 2-3 years to complete. There will be a first phase going from ACE Hardware to Bel Air and a second phase from Bel Aire to Ooltewah Ringgold Rd. The road will consist of 4 lanes with a middle turn lane. Jack Benson reported on several new roads and ramps in the works in East Brainerd to alleviate Shallowford and Gunbarrel Road traffic.

Status of Publix

Publix is scheduled to open early December, 2007. Given some continued opposition to the other Publix scheduled to open in the Snow Hill Road area, there is no guarantee that this one is sure to open. But we are optimistic that both will open and will be well-received. Publix is a quality store and it should do well in our area.

Sewer Odor: Jerry Stewart Already Notified

Just so Mr. Stewart doesn't get inundated with requests - we have asked him to check on what can be done to reduce the odor at the split. The hot weather and general lack of rain has not helped. Let's give it some time to improve (and hopefully see some weather changes). I think they're doing all they can at this point.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

National Crime Night Out

At our meeting today, Janice Atkinson of the County Sheriff's Office mentioned a national community program that, according to their website, "promotes neighborhood spirit, police-community partnerships in our fight for a safer nation."

It is held annually on the first Tuesday in August, and enjoys a major sponsor: Target.

Several folks at our meeting mentioned that they would like to see us re-establish some community get-togethers, such as barbecues, ice-cream socials, or block parties. This would be an option that could be combined with the others mentioned as well.

If this is something that interests you, please let one of your board members know. We will keep a tally on neighborhood interest in this, and perhaps it is something we can do for next year.

Whom to Call: Sewer Odor at the Split

If you notice a sewer odor on Hurricane Creek Road near or in the split (about 0.3 - 0.5 mile in from the traffic light on East Brainerd Road), chances are it relates to runoff from the Windstone subdivision. [They don't have sewers or septic, apparently; instead, well ... I'm not sure how detailed I should get]. Apparently there is a chemical additive that helps control this odor, and although the Moccasin Bend treatment plant was to have installed monitoring devices (or did), sometimes we still need to notify them of the need.

So, if you smell something foul in that area, please contact Jerry Stewart:

Friends of East Brainerd

At today's meeting both Commissioner Henry and Councilman Benson mentioned the community group, Friends of East Brainerd. This group has been working with local governments on managing the explosive growth our area has experienced since the 1980s. Like our own Hurricane Creek Homeowner's Association Board, they too are looking for volunteers. If you are interested in helping advise on growth plans and land-use policy, and want to be part of Friends of East Brainerd, contact Andy Hodes at 664-1818.

Call for Board Members

At today's meeting, many of you expressed concerns about backyard sheds, off-road vehicles, trash, speeding, kids' safety on foot or on bicycles, and so on. Your homeowner's association board is working hard to keep Hurricane Creek an attractive and desirable place to live, but we can't do as much as we want to without additional board members and other volunteers. Please contact one of your board members if you are willing to serve your community in this way.

Our next board meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 4, 2007, at 7pm, at the Crye-Leike office location on Gunbarrel Road (before you get to Target, on the right, as you approach from East Brainerd Road). Bruce Gilliam, our outgoing Board President and a Crye-Leike Realtor, has agreed to let us use a conference room there at least one more time so we can find a new location for the December meeting (we meet every even-numbered month on the first Thursday night at 7pm). Please consider joining us.

New Plantings at Entrance

If you like the new plantings at the entrance to Hurricane Creek, thank Ruben Viva of Images Landscaping (899-1212). Someone has taken his sign away but we can recognize him here on the blog. If you have some landscaping work to get done, please consider his firm.

Road Repaving

Commissioner Larry Henry mentioned at today's meeting that he believed that ultimately the road repaving would not be limited to the roads done thus far, and that in the next few weeks, the main road, Hurricane Creek Road, would be done also.

This is good news, as it looks a bit awkward where the dark newly paved side roads meet the old, light grey main road. And some of these seams, such as at Susan Carol Lane, already extend well into the main road, giving an unattractive, patchy look. It will be good to have all the roads in good condition again and with a uniform look.

Thanks, Commissioner Henry!

Whom to Call

If you have a non-emergency concern about anything from speeders, excessive noise, neighborhood blight, loose dogs, the contact number depends on whether you live in the city or county.

Generally, if you live in the city, you should call 311. City Councilman Jack Benson mentioned this time and time again. Apparently they have a prioritized list that is maintained through calls to that number. By funneling requests and concerns through the one number, they can keep track of which problems are generating the most concern, and allocate their limited resources accordingly.

For city police dispatch, non-emergency, call 698-2525. Emergencies, call 911.

If you live in the county, sheriff dispatch for non-emergencies is 622-0022. Emergencies, call 911.

For violations of the dog leash law, county residents should contact Animal Control of the Humane Society, at 624-5302, extension 232 or 246.

Please also keep your homeowner's association board members informed of recurring issues that need additional attention.

Community Meeting a Success

Thanks to everyone who came out to our community meeting today. We were privileged to have had in attendance County Commissioner Larry Henry, City Councilman Jack Benson, and several representatives from the County Sheriff’s department. Each spoke a bit and gave us updates on the status of Publix moving in, road widening, repaving, and several suggestions regarding whom to call when certain problems arise. Thanks also to Dan Norey who procured refreshments for those in attendance.

Following this entry will be a series of posts which address some of the concerns voiced by residents at the meeting.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Community Meeting This Saturday

At 9:00am this Saturday, August 25th, the Hurricane Creek Homeowner's Association will be having a meeting for residents of the Hurricane Creek subdivision. The meeting will be held at the outdoor pavilion of Christ United Methodist Church, which is located at the intersection of Morris Hill Road and East Brainerd Road.

Refreshments will be served. Please come and share your concerns, questions, and above all, please support your homeowner's association by paying dues. Please also consider joining the board. We have a number of open spots to fill, and we need your help to accomplish great things for our subdivision. But we can't do it without volunteer support. Don't assume someone else will step forward - that someone else is you!

Besides, if someone else had taken stepped forward, we wouldn't have openings on the board.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Minutes - Board Meeting 8/9/2007

Hurricane Creek Homeowners Association Meeting
August 9, 2007

  • Bruce Gillham - President
  • Charles Kuhlman - Resident
  • Dan Norey - Treasurer
  • Michele Walker - Secretary
  • Carl Westman - Board Member

  1. Status of East Brainerd Road Widening Project: TDOT is undergoing the second round of revisions to the plan. No appraisers have yet been assigned. Earliest date to start would be the beginning of 2009.
  2. Status of Publix: Opening date moved back to first of December at the earliest.
  3. HOA Dues Invoice/ Mail out: Printed and mailed. Probably will be delivered around August 11.
  4. Front Entrance Status: Plans to redo landscaping at entrance on hold until sprinklers can be repaired. Call has been placed for repair and awaiting response. Agreed to use evergreens versus crape myrtles.
  5. Community Meeting: August 25 at 9am at Christ United Methodist Church in the outdoor pavilion. Water, juice, and donuts will be provided. Larry Henry, Jack Benson, and Sheriff Long will be invited to attend.
  6. Website: Charles Kuhlman will check on possibly getting a new webmaster. Carl Westman suggested creating a Hurricane Creek BLOG to post news, etc. Future plans would be to include advertisements for businesses owned by residents.
  7. Board Meetings: Meetings will be kept every other month (even numbered months) on the 2nd Thursday at 7pm. In the future, they may be increased to monthly.
  8. Sewer Odor on Hurricane Creek Rd.: Moccasin Bend treatment plant will be notified when the sewer odor is a problem so that more chemicals can be added in Windstone.
  9. Property at End of Swanson’s Ridge: The owner will decide what measures will be taken to keep vehicles from driving through his property to the undeveloped section. A fence with sign was discussed.
  10. Restrictive Covenants Database: Charles Kuhlman is organizing information so that it can be entered into a database.
  11. Driveways for RV’s: Gravel driveways and outbuildings are both violations of the neighborhood covenants. Letters will be sent out asking the owners of residences with these violations to bring their property into compliance with the covenants.
  12. Weatherview Church: According to the county, this area is zoned for churches.
  13. Yard Sale: Last Saturday in September.
  14. Meeting adjourned. Next meeting scheduled for October 11, 2007 at 7PM.

Community Meeting & Dues Notice

The Best Reason to Support Your Homeowner’s Association

The value of your home is probably your largest single investment. The value of this investment depends on, among other things, its location in an attractive neighborhood with an appealing entrance, sensible covenants that are enforced, and friendly residents who look out for each other and for the neighborhood as a whole. By supporting the Homeowner’s Association through dues and volunteering, you are helping to protect the value of homes in our subdivision – including your own.

Community Meeting and Other News

We will have a community meeting on Saturday, August 25, 9:00 AM, at the outdoor pavilion of Christ United Methodist Church, just off Morris Hill Road. Refreshments will be served. Come and meet your neighbors, get to know your HCHA board members, and let your concerns be heard.

Your HCHA board is also working on several other issues, including the status of the East Brainerd Road widening project, Publix moving into the old Winn-Dixie location, miscellaneous covenant violations, littering of common areas, illegal and underage use of off-road motorcycles and golf carts, foul air near the Hurricane Creek Road split, and redesigning the website.

Join the HCHA Board! Volunteers Wanted

Please join us on the HCHA Board so we can keep Hurricane Creek a desirable place to live. We have a number of open positions, so with your help, we can be more effective. If you would be willing to serve, please email

Dues for Homeowner’s Association

HCHA dues for the current year are only $35. Your dues go to pay for the upkeep of our subdivision’s front entrance (including water and plantings), islands, taxes and insurance on the entrance property, garage sales, and other décor and arrangements (holiday lighting and wreaths, yard of the season, etc). Please help keep your neighborhood attractive by paying your dues so we can keep these efforts going.

Annual Dues for Hurricane Creek Homeowner’s Association: $35

Name: _______________________________

Phone: _______________________________

Address _________________________________, Chattanooga, TN 37421

Email for future newsletters: _______________________________

Send to: Hurricane Creek Homeowner’s Association, P. O. Box 21268, Chattanooga, TN 37424

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Minutes of June 2007 Board Meeting


Hurricane Creek Homeowners Association Meeting

June 8, 2007


Bruce Gillham – President

Dan Norey – Treasurer

Michele Walker - Secretary

Suzanne Guffey –Board member

Carl Westman - Resident

  1. Status of Issues presented to Commissioner Henry: Swanson's Ridge Rd Trespassing- County came and looked at situation and determined that there is not a lot they can do. The trespassing is not being done on county land. It will take the owner of the property where the trespassing is occurring to step up and register complaints. The very best the county could do is post no trespassing signs. The property owner needs to contact the authorities.
  • Golf Cart and ATV's- Needed the address of where these vehicles reside so the county can address. Addresses have now been provided.
  • Church on Weatherview -According to the county, this area is zoned for churches. The only thing the county can address is traffic and parking. The county needs an address for the church.
  • Construction trash and gravel on the corner of Weatherview and Windy Hill - County has visited the property and spoken to the builder. Issue is being addressed and it has been cleaned up.

  1. Status of East Brainerd Road widening project: Bruce Gillham reported that it will be at least two more seasons before the widening will begin. The survey stakes indicate where the widening is going to be and how much of the wall we will be losing. As it stands right now the appraisers have not been out nor has the Association been contacted.
  2. Status of Publix: Bruce Gillham reported that contractors have begun work at the site. Plans remain to have the store completed by September 2007.
  3. Community Meeting: Michele Walker will check with Christ United Methodist Church about using their pavilion. Dates to consider are July 21 or 28 around 9AM.
  4. 2007 Dues: Carl will check with local businesses for prices to do the mailers.
  5. List of Assoc. Responsibilities: Received a list and discussed a couple of the duties. Bruce and Carl will check on possibly changing the company in charge of the website. We will consider storage for the signs and decorations.
  6. Restrictive Covenants: Carl Westman has agreed to help with the covenants database.
  7. 915 Shady Fork Rd Sale: Bruce reported that this property is no longer divided in the listing.
  8. Trash in Common Area: Anyone noticing someone dumping trash should get a description of the person, vehicle, and license tag number and call 311. The city will then issue a citation. A “No Littering” sign has been placed in the common area. This issue will be discussed at the community meeting.
  9. Sewer Odor on Hurricane Creek Rd.: A monitoring device will be placed on Windstone’s sewage collection system to tell if the correct amount of chemicals is being added.
  10. Other business: None discussed at this time.
  11. Meeting adjourned. Next meeting scheduled for August 2, 2007 at 7PM.