If you have a non-emergency concern about anything from speeders, excessive noise, neighborhood blight, loose dogs, the contact number depends on whether you live in the city or county.
Generally, if you live in the city, you should call 311. City Councilman Jack Benson mentioned this time and time again. Apparently they have a prioritized list that is maintained through calls to that number. By funneling requests and concerns through the one number, they can keep track of which problems are generating the most concern, and allocate their limited resources accordingly.
For city police dispatch, non-emergency, call 698-2525. Emergencies, call 911.
If you live in the county, sheriff dispatch for non-emergencies is 622-0022. Emergencies, call 911.
For violations of the dog leash law, county residents should contact Animal Control of the Humane Society, at 624-5302, extension 232 or 246.
Please also keep your homeowner's association board members informed of recurring issues that need additional attention.